Vegetarian Cold Cut Slices with Four Flavors
Vegetarian Chicken Slices
Vegetarian Smoked Chicken Slices
Vegetarian Ham Slices
Vegetarian Smoked Ham Slices
15 cold cuts with a convenient, microwavable container. Bring to the office any day for a sandwich or even eat it cold!
On Sale: $2.75
Retail: $3.50
Vegetarian Spiced Chicken Leg
Enjoy the famous chicken leg with a special twist, a sugar cane as the bone!
On Sale: $3.15
Retail: $3.70
Vegetarian Tuna
Minced it up to make a tuna a la carte or even cut it up for a stew!
On Sale: $5.15
Retail: $5.95
Vegetarian Mushroom Balls
Enjoy the chewiness of mushroom balls in a stew!
On Sale: $2.75
Retail: $3.25
And don't forget our membership program! 10% discount on selective frozen purchases!

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